Third session - 13:00 – 14:00
The contribution of the circular economy to the tourism product

Elena Rapti
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Greece

Dr. Adamantios Skordilis
former General Director of the Hellenic Recycling Agency (HRA), Scientific Director of Circular Innovative Solutions (CIS)
Adamantios Skordilis is a Chemical Engineer, PhD in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin. He was an official of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Greece. He has served as: Head of the Department of Solid Waste Management, Office of Alternative Waste Management, Director of the Emergency Planning Policy of the Ministry of Environment, Public Works, Director of Central Water Agency of Greece, as well as General Director of the Hellenic Recycling Agency (HRA). He has been a member of: the Advisory Committee for the Waste Management of the European Union, the National Council for the Prevention of Biological and Toxic Risks of the Ministry of Health of Greece, the Committee for EMAS registration, the Environmental Committee of the Technical Chamber of Greece and experts of the Technical Chamber of Greece on environmental issues, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) of Greece. He has authored 13 books and 1 monograph (University of Dresden) on Waste Management and Environmental Management of Organizations and Businesses and published 100 Scientific Publications in Scientific Journals and Conferences. He was awarded in Greece in 2013 and 2022 with the honorary Environment Award for his contribution for the organization and promotion of Recycling in Greece. Today he is the scientific director of Circular Innovative Solutions. Finally, he was a visiting Professor at the University of the Aegean, the Technical University of Crete, Harokopio University, as well as in postgraduate programs of the National School of Public Health, the University of Athens, the University of West Attica and the Hellenic Open University.

Nicolas Moussiopoulos
Vice President for International Relations at HSWMA
Nicolas Moussiopoulos is an Honorary Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In the period 1989-2023 he served as a Full Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering of the Aristotle University Thessaloniki (AUTh) and the Head of this University’s Sustainability Engineering Laboratory (formerly Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering). His research work addresses several issues in the broad field of energy and the environment. In the last 30 years he participated in numerous competitive, mostly EU funded research projects with a total budget exceeding 20 million €. He supervised 43 PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers in Greece and five other countries and is the author of more than 220 papers in peer-reviewed journals (Google Scholar: >11,000 citations, h-index: 55).
In the last 25 years, Professor Moussiopoulos held various top-level positions in University administration (three terms School Chairman, 2006-2010 Dean of AUTh’s Faculty of Engineering and 2010-2016 Vice President of the International Hellenic University). In the period July 2018 – April 2021 he was an elected Scientific Council member of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, responsible for Engineering and Technology Sciences. Since 2021 he is elected Vice President of the Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association, responsible for international relations. Professor Moussiopoulos received several awards and prizes, among them the Heinrich Hertz Award (1990) and AUTh’s Excellence Prize (2008). Since 2002, he is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Engineering Sciences Section). In the same year, he was awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Nikolaos Ntavos
Co-founder and Manager, CluBE-Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia
He holds a Master in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) and he is a c. PhD in the area of green hydrogen at the same University. Since 2008 he has been working as a project manager for different EU Programmes (Horizon, FP7, IEE, Interreg, MED, LIFE) to several organizations besides CluBE, like the Region of Western Macedonia, the Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia, the University of Western Macedonia, CERTH/CPERI and the Waste Management Company of Western Macedonia on different projects related to energy, bioenergy, hydrogen, bioeconomy and circular economy, industrial symbiosis, urban and rural development and entrepreneurship.

Ilias Dimitriadis
President and CEO, ANAKEM
Mr Ilias Dimitriadis, graduate of the RWTH Aachen as a Waste Management Engineer, is since 2012 Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Collective System for Alternative Management of Construction and Demolition Waste ANAKEM S.A.
Mr. Dimitriadis has a wide working experience in planning of Waste management facilities and procedures and has published various articles in newspapers, technical magazines concerning C&D waste management. Mr Dimitriadis is a member of the Greek Technical Chamber, the Greek Solid Waste Association (EEDSA) and its scientific Committee for management of non-hazardous solid waste.